We are looking forward to Spring and Summer stargazing! We are located across the lake from the amazing Eagle Eye Observatory, so we are in a nice spot! You can have a good view of the eastern horizon and unobstructed viewing overhead because you can observe from the lakebed. Have your own informal star party, especially good for novice stargazers and families who just want to get out of town to share the wonder of a dark sky. Watch the moon rise over the horizon or count the “falling stars” in the upcoming meteor showers! Plus you can retire to your cabin anytime you need a break!
The main boat ramp still needs several feet of water to be operational. Kayak launching is possible from the bank, but the lake level continues to drop. The possibility of spring rains may improve conditions.
It is a quiet place with dry beaches and islands to explore. If you like to metal detect for treasures, or want a place with plenty of room to play without overhead wires or traffic on the streets, the lake bed is ideal! You can practice with your drone, play with your RC cars or just fly kites and enjoy the night sky. There are miles of trails to hike on or explore with your mountain bike too!
The migrations of birds can also be interesting during our low water periods, as we become more of a wetland than a lake. Currently the cranes and herons are nesting on the newly exposed mud flats where nobody can bother them. Low water also entices the eagles to fish in the local area from October to April. Our Purple Martin colony is returning and will be in residence until sometime in July, raising their babies.
We don’t offer luxury accommodations, just basic fishing cabins in a nice location. It is a little like camping, but you don’t have to sleep on the ground or get gravel on your hotdog! You have the basic comforts of home in your cabin. You can watch the bats swoop around in the predawn sky while sipping your coffee and watching a sunrise unfold that seems like it was made just for you!
We’ve been here since the lake was new!
Back in the old days Alexanders Point was known as Alexander Boat Dock.
We have had the pleasure of hosting four generations of fishermen!
The lake comes up and the lake goes down, but it’s always a beautiful place to be!